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Serving mass for Fr Mackey in Marmarth, ND, sometime in the early 70s? We were passing thru on our way from Idaho to Michigan on vacation. He was a different kind of priest, in a good way. Rest In Peace and save some room up there!

Tom Smith

I remember a mass he gave at someone's home in Detroit when he was visiting. He had kids with him who did a demonstration of a martial art - breaking wooden boards - as part of his sermon. It was great. I also attended a couple of services when he was in Hawaii. One was a black light mass - packed with young adults looking for something different to capture their attention. He also had a mass with the holy family in costume complete with livestock. In Las Vegas, we watched him give mass and then he took us to a penny slot machine casino and watched my Mom lose $1 in pennies. It was great being with him every time. Such a life-lover. Amy

Amy Smith

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  • Farmington Hills Chapel 31950 West Twelve Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 553-0120

  • Canton Chapel 851 North Canton Center Rd Canton, MI 48187 (734) 981-4530